Rev. Dr. Rebecca Voelkel Pastor, Movement Builder, Theologian

Writings and Films: One of my deepest joys is writing. Explore my publications, sermons, keynote addresses and films which cover a variety of theological, pastoral and organizing subjects including the importance of dreaming, dancing and singing for our ministries of justice, the critical work in LGBT Latin@ contexts and the ways in which the intersections of oppression give us both unique challenges and opportunities to be about creating God’s Beloved Community.

Photos: My ministry has given me the sacred opportunity of working with some of the most gifted and visionary people in our religious movements for justice. Here is a sampling of just a few of those encounters.

Social Media: My work is somewhere at the intersection of the Church, the Academy and the Movement. As such, I try to occupy a place in the Social Media world which embodies these important parts. You can find me on Facebook and Twitter as well as LinkedIn.

Blog: In(Queering) Spirit: Reflections on love, justice and embodiment is one space in which I share my particular take on the world.

Consulting: If you are curious or passionate about how it is that our religious communities, justice organizations or groups of committed people can help make the world a more just and loving place through organizing, good strategy, inspiring writing or powerful worship, I would love to work with you.