As part of that network, I was asked to reflect on raising a daughter amidst an activist family. Here is what I shared:
The day after Prop 8 passed in California in 2008, I was asked to speak at a local rally in downtown Minneapolis. We made the decision that the whole family would attend. After the speakers finished, we marched through the valleys of skyscrapers chanting “Hey, hey, ho, ho, discrimination has got to go” and hearing it echo off the glass and metal. Our daughter, Shannon, was not quite two years old at the time and sporting a purple cast on her foot from a misstep on the stairs which broke three bones. She held our hands, walked with an uneven gait and chanted along with us in her fiercest voice....
[For the full blog, visit:!Raising-Shannon/a3xnp/56e8abc00cf282fc9b002ca5 ]